Singapore Residential Tenancy Agreement – CEA Templates

Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels

The Digitalised Property Transactions Workgroup (DPTWG) is made up of members from the private and public sector and have developed the tenancy agreement templates.

These two Tenancy Agreement templates are provided on CEA website – CEA is the official Government body in Singapore that governs Property Agencies and Agents (officially termed as “Estate Agents” and “Salespersons” respectively in Singapore).

The basic structure of the Tenancy Agreement Template is similar for both, consisting of 3 parts;

  1. The Schedule
  2. The Operative
  3. The Annex

Part (1) The Schedule — basically, the key negotiation points to be filled out by both parties

Part (2) The Operative — “Typical” Clauses to indicate rights and obligations of Landlord and Tenant

Part (3) The Annex — some recommended templates that should be used together with the Tenancy Agreement (for e.g. Checklist, Inventory List, Condition Report)

What to take note of when using these Tenancy Agreements?

Use of these Tenancy Agreements is not mandatory. We have looked through them and they are, by and large, similar to current contracts that are already being used in “majority” of rental transactions. However, you can still request to your Salesperson to use these, however the other party to the contract will, of course, also need to be agreeable. They may already have a “standard contract” which have been used for a long time and have no wish to change, as this might incur additional costs for vet through by their lawyers, or may require more time for negotiation of amendments to the clauses.

One way of striking a balance would be to cross reference the clauses in CEA template against what you currently have for your property and understand the rationale if there are clauses with differing meanings. Sometimes, it’s just worded differently.

Some of the differences may be due to the “offer package” — as one may say, it’s a “dollar and sense” thing.