Transitional Return to Work Agreements

California Disability Regulations require that when an employee is released to return to work with work restrictions imposed by the treating physician, an employer’s representative must engage with the employee in a discussion known as “Interactive Process (IP)”. The objective of the discussion is to find potential solutions to accommodate the employee’s restrictions on a temporary basis so the employee can return to work.

Please Note: An employer cannot unilaterally decide to put an employee on a leave, even when limitations are temporary. Employers should consider accommodating the employee’s current job or modify the job and discuss with the employee.

How to Engage in the IP Process

  1. Review Medical Documentation
  2. Try to identify potential accommodations
  3. Talk with the employee and get their input on potential job task
  4. Consider the employee’s recommendations and assess the reasonableness/effective of the accommodation

Accommodating Modified Job Duties

Managing an Ongoing TRTW Agreement

If the Department is Unable to Accommodate the Work Restrictions:
Ask the employee if they would like to:

  1. Take a Leave of Absence
  2. Look for Alternative Work

If the Employee would like to take a Leave of Absence:

If Employee would like to look for alternative work:

Irma Bebe x 46951 A-C
John Maier x 49439 D-J
x42146 K-P
Cari Blitzer x46955 Q-Z

Email completed TRTW Agreements and TRTW Denial Letters to:
Return to Work Coordinators at Employee Disability Management

Benefits Team at the HRPCN

Intercampus Mail: Original Document to the HRPCN Mailcode: 138307