Thread: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

magraev is offline

Biarchus Join Date Oct 2004 Location Denmark Posts 616

Icon5Diplomatic Penalties - when?

I am really getting into Rome II after it finally seems to be coming together. I'm trying a game as Arveni with the goal of uniting most gauls under my banner peacefully. I am not quite clear on penalties when I declare war after a trade treaty or whatever.

It says in the game, that you have to wait 10 turns from forming a treaty to cancelling it - ok. But how long after cancelling a treaty can you declare war without penalty? It makes me untrustworthy to invade the turn after I think. Also - if you have no treaties of any kind with a neighbor, will it give you a penalty to invade without warning?

Sometimes an ally will ask you to declare war, but that doesn't seem to absolve you of penalties, so you should only use that if you either 1) don't care about no stinking penalties or 2) are certain that there will be no penalties.

August 12, 2014, 01:41 AM #2

Zwirbaum is offline

Miles Join Date Feb 2013 Posts 367

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

Signed Trade Treaty - Earliest you can declare war without any reputation hit is 20 turns. 10 turns to break treaty, and then 10 turns after breaking the treaty.

Also when ally asks you to join war, standard penalty may occur (breaking treaty etc.)

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August 12, 2014, 03:25 AM #3

magraev is offline

Biarchus Join Date Oct 2004 Location Denmark Posts 616

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

ok thanks. Would be nice to get a warning about that too. I don't believe you get a warning about letting 10 turns pass after you cancel a deal. 20 turns is a long time for me to leave Massilia alone.

August 12, 2014, 05:00 AM #4

DeliCiousTZM is offline

Vicarius Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 2,547

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

Don't wait, declare war on them even though you have a trade agreement. you're reputation will bounce back from that in like 5 turns or so.

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Altimis is offline

Campidoctor Join Date Jul 2006 Posts 1,536

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

I want those lands, just declare war on them and conquered them

My reputation back to Steadfast again (Trustworthy if you keep maintain treaty for long enough after declare war)

Diplomatic pretty useless here

Its easy to make war with others, its never been easy when we need a peace .

My holy damn simple tactic; Strike First , Strike HARD and SHOW NO MERCY .

August 12, 2014, 05:24 AM #6

magraev is offline

Biarchus Join Date Oct 2004 Location Denmark Posts 616

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

I just want to roleplay an honorable barbarian. Maybe my honor will be satisfied by waiting the first 10 turns though.

August 12, 2014, 08:00 AM #7

Butan is offline

Vicarius Join Date Dec 2009 Posts 2,766

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

The reputation is important if you are having a hard time maintaining a diplomatic bond with dangerous or important trading factions, or if you want to create new ones.

But if you're good, you can do as they said and just deal with it; a dozen turn later you should have your rep back.
If you're roleplaying then its imperative you use the ten turn rule as Zwirbaum said, and remember your treaties well when you are asked to join a war.

August 12, 2014, 08:58 AM #8

Slaists is offline

Primicerius Join Date Jun 2005 Location EST Posts 3,176

DefaultRe: Diplomatic Penalties - when?

To be completely clear of any penalties need to wait 20 turns (10 turns after signing the treaty + 10 turns after canceling it) before invading.

However, there is no real need to wait for the full 20 turns. Canceling a treaty some 5 turns after signing it will have less of a penalty than canceling after the first turn. It is quite easy to recover the smaller reputation hit within a few turns after the cancellation. Also, attacking 5 turns after canceling a treaty, has a minor reliability hit compared to attacking right after canceling. Again, the reduced hit can be recovered within a couple turns. Just play around with it and you'll find your "tempo" (reliability/expansion speed tradeoff).

p.s. the reliability is important mostly in the early game as you're trying to establish trade agreements, find allies, avoid unnecessary wars, etc. Later on, you can roll through the game as unturstworthy scum and no one, besides rebels, will dare to attack you anyway. Reliability is good for establishing and maintaining trade agreements though.