Allow List Information for SurveyMonkey

If you're having trouble accessing SurveyMonkey or not receiving emails from us, we recommend adding our domains and IP addresses to your allow list (sometimes known as a whitelist).

Trouble Viewing the Site

If you’re experiencing issues with our website (certain pages won’t load or you can’t upload or view files), check to see if your network is behind a firewall. If your firewall blocks access to all traffic except for certain domains or IPs, you’ll need to grant access to all our domains and IPs, not just

Site Domains and IP addresses

* * * * * * * The asterisk (*) is a wildcard used to account for any subdomains we use. The last item in the list is for Amazon Web Services, which we use to host logos, images, and file uploads added in your survey design.


If you're making outbound calls to an integration from SurveyMonkey, you may need to add these IP addresses to your allow list in your integrations —this depends on where your data is stored.

If your data is stored in a regional data center, you can see the location listed in the Account Details on your My Account page. If you don't see anything listed, your data is stored on servers located in the United States.

United States (US)


European Union (EU)