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2021 Statute

65-28b02. Same; definitions. As used in the independent practice of midwifery act:

(a) "Board" means the state board of healing arts.

(b) "Certified nurse-midwife" means an individual who:

(1) Is educated in the two disciplines of nursing and midwifery;

(2) is currently certified by a certifying board approved by the state board of nursing; and

(3) is currently licensed under the Kansas nurse practice act.

(c) "Independent practice of midwifery" means the provision of clinical services by a certified nurse-midwife without the requirement of a collaborative practice agreement with a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery when such clinical services are limited to those associated with a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery, including:

(1) The prescription of drugs and diagnostic tests;

(2) the performance of episiotomy or repair of a minor vaginal laceration;

(3) the initial care of the normal newborn; and

(4) family planning services, including treatment or referral of male partners for sexually-transmitted infections.

(d) The provisions of this section shall become effective on January 1, 2017.

History: L. 2016, ch. 92, § 89; July 1.